Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Something different....'Eve Contemplating'

Just slightly different from the last post! This is called 'Eve Contemplating' and is my entry for this fortnight's theme challenge with the NZ Art Guild which is 'Nature' and has to incorporate colour theory. I won't go into the spiel here about how this fits but there are some deep and meaningful meanings behind this one.

It is very much so mixed media, including tissue paper, textured paper, acrylic, and with an oil over-painting. The colours are much more turquoise and there are layers and layers of glazes that are not showing up in the photo at all and iridescent colours throughout too. The size is 750 x 375 x 40mm and it feels good that I got another painting done today. I might do a little bit of touching up tomorrow but I wanted a simple image as the background is very very deep and layered in real life.

Anyway better go and cook tea for the munchkins!

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