Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This is Emily. She is the 3 year old daughter of my friend Michelle, and maybe my future daughter-in-law? My 3 year old son is pretty keen on her and as he watched me draw this yesterday, he kept on smiling as he referred to "my Emily, my friend Emily" and they were holding hands at the beach on Saturday!

We took lots of photos and when I saw the one that this one was based on I knew I just had to draw it. Luckily my two children arranged circumstances so I didn't have to work yesterday and today by both coming down with a bug so I managed to draw this while looking after two sick kiddies yesterday.

Just as well that I got it done yesterday as today I have two recovering munchkins, who while are not well enough for daycare, are well enough to create WW III and WW IV in the living room between each other today. Unfortunately nothing can be shared today between the two of them, including their mummy. After being fought over most of the day, I decided I needed a coffee break from them so got my book and my coffee and sat outside with the door open where I could hear them but they couldn't get to me. I then had to repeatedly explain that I was having a break. When they want to join you and have a "break" too, how do you explain to a 2 year old and a 3 year old that you really want the break from them?